Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Before and After

Here's another collaborative piece with my friend Ronda. I decided to send it to her without telling her anything about the people in the photo, or the handwriting...I didn't want to color her interpretation. Here it was before Ronda...

...And here it is after Ronda.

It was such a treat to receive it back in the mail. I waited until I could sit down and spend some time opening it, like a really special gift (which, of course, it is.) I love the seashells sewn into layers of mesh, and the playful materials. The children are Aunt Gail, Mom (Norma), and I think Jeannie (their cousin, Moselle's daughter.) The writing is from a really lovely letter that Grandpa sent to Grandma within a few years of the time this photo was taken.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dancing Ideas and collaborative art through the mail

My friend, Ronda, and I collaborated on this 8x10 felt mixed media collage through the mail. She initiated this piece by sending me a cutout felt bird shape, a background of quilted fabrics, and sequined heart. She was so surprised when she opened the mail a few weeks later and saw what I did with it...and that moment is the MAGIC of collaboration! Thanks Ronda!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Aquacows of the Midwest

Ah, summer in the midwest. We drive past these cows everyday on the commute to Tonganoxie. With temperatures in the 90s, the cows have been getting in the pond with the Mallards. I told my carpool buddies next time we saw the cows and ducks together, we had to stop to take pictures. Today was the day!